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為什麼我們需要 CARYZMA?

我們一起 可以創造烏托邦

如果我們不需要一個網站來提供正面新聞和解決方案,那就更好了。 目前,我們每天都會遇到很多負面故事,因此我們覺得有必要創建這個網站。我們將與我們的會員和其他貢獻者(如記者、電影製作人、攝影師、科學家、非營利組織和其他組織)一起,收集來自世界各地的最佳正面故事和解決方案。



Image by Fabrice Villard


Per Espen Stokes 做了一個精彩的 TED 演講,比我們能更好地解釋為什麼負面新聞讓你沮喪,為什麼正面信息更有效。




- 心理學家和經濟學家 Per Espen Stokes 說。

Our Platform


CARYZMA is a dynamic journal and multimedia platform dedicated to changemakers worldwide. We spotlight the positive transformations and individuals committed to creating a better future. Our mission is to inspire and empower our readers to take action and make a difference. With a focus on stories that support and promote positive change, CARYZMA is your source for inspiring content that will leave you motivated and ready to create your own impact.

Image by niko photos
Image by niko photos

Our Mission


CARYZMA offers an enriched space featuring in-depth articles, insightful interviews, and compelling multimedia content. We focus on the endeavors of individuals and organizations striving for sustainability and positive impact. Our team is committed to delivering powerful narratives that not only inform but also inspire action and foster meaningful discussions around sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.


卡爾·薩芬娜 (2011)。 《從懶點看:非自然世界中的自然年》

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